What is reality?
Can we know?
You may not know this, unless you’ve known me personally for years, that I have studied the Bible and the apocryphal books extensively. Seeking the deeper meanings and quit honestly trying to divine the future.
For many years I held to the notion that the world was created by the breath of God and is held together by Him as well. So, when I read Clif High’s musings on how the nature of the materium came to be, namely that reality is based on an omnipotent being’s need for novelty several thoughts I’ve had over the years kind of clicked into place like the cylinders on a lock being opened.
Before my foray into studying the Bible, I chose to believe in what I called the crystal goblet theory of creation. It is what I had come to believe as a teenager having lived all over the world and not really being subjected to hard core Christianity. The theory holds that we are all bits of the universal (one) and that it splintered into pieces (the goblet dropped). All living beings have a piece of the consciousness and that that consciousness is moving back together through a series of lives.
Clif’s Theory
Clif seems to be positing (as far as my understanding of what he wrote and having listened to him for several decades now), that the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient being that is called Universe or God or the One, wanted novelty. A being that is always present, knows everything that is or could be can’t experience novelty. So it decided to create the materium and experience it though different lives.
I think, again from what I understand from what Clif wrote, that he is suggesting that all life is a bit of the whole that is “God” and that as we experience life one 22 trillionth of a second at a time - “God” experiences novelty.
That life in general is like a movie in that a movie is still frames that move quickly. This is how we experience life and reality.
Tying these Thought Together
If our souls, that bit that is God within isn’t actually the materium, then I wonder if we create our own realities as we experience novelty, by our thoughts. Our thoughts do drive our words and actions. Our identities (those that we assume) drive our habits which create outcomes in our lives. Therefore, I suspect that we create our own realities and can change them at any time simply by thinking differently, consistently.
A Word on Breath
Breathing is a characteristic of life. We breath in the creator and breath out the creator. We breath in Oxygen and out Carbon Di Oxide. A big circle. We need oxygen produced by plants and plants need Carbon Di Oxide and breath out oxygen. There is balance.
When we control our breath, we control our thoughts and by controlling our thoughts can control our reality.
What I’ve gleaned from this little exercise is that we can control our reality by controlling our breath. It’s the very foundation of life. Just breathe